COVID-19 Management System

All COVID-19 and Critical District Online Forms Included!

Digital Management System Features

Collecting accurate data regarding digital resource access for our New York students will greatly help educators to better serve their students and families.  In order to accomplish this, the New York State Education Department is asking parents or guardians to complete a Digital Equity survey (for each student in the family) in grades Kindergarten – Grade 12.  This survey will provide information on student access to devices and internet access in their places of residence.

All Staff and Students/Parents may answer the required questions
and submit their responses along with the health status of every
individual. Unlimited approval paths allow completed forms to
move seamlessly to nurses and administrators as prescribed in
your re-opening plan. Green and Red color-coding highlight all
submitted forms. Data may be pushed into other district databases.
Email notifications and scheduling are included. SMS option is
available at additional cost.

Quickly and efficiently contact-trace students or staff members over any date range. By linking to any Student Management System (SMS), all courses, sections, home rooms, and specials scheduling information populate the form to identify all potential contacts. It even displays the numbers of times their schedules coincide within the date range! Bus route data may also be merged if available. Parental contact information is instantly displayed. Email notifications, templates, and scheduling are included. Data may be pushed into other district databases. SMS option is available at additional cost.

A powerful organizational interactive form and process to collect all required provisions of your school reopening plan for easy access by all community stakeholders! Includes Health and Safety, Facilities, Nutrition, Transportation, Social-Emotional Well-Being, School Schedules, Budget and Fiscal, Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism, Technology and Connectivity, Teaching and Learning, Special Education, Bilingual Education and World Languages, Staffing and Human Resources, Communication/Family and Community Engagement, Career and Technical Education (CTE), Teacher and Principal Evaluation System (APPR), and Student Teaching areas. All evidence, documents, images, and videos may be shared with the community from any website or may be printed on demand.

EduForm™ comes pre-loaded with over 50 additional powerful and efficient educational forms that integrate with your Student Management System (SMS) to provide instant access to well-designed, datacapture instruments. They will dramatically improve existing processes and procedures while providing access to information on-demand! From the best K-Screener with multiple/simultaneous station use and scoring features to the latest CDC COVID-19 incident form. EVI has 28+ years of experience and proven success in providing the preeminent products and services to over 500 school districts nation wide!

Teachers login using existing district usernames and passwords and instantly see all their students by course/section, homeroom, and/or specials classes. They easily record all materials used and resources provided by individual student or by course and section. Student participation, access to technology, differentiated instructional needs, and parental contact are confirmed and/or detailed for all students. Unlimited note-taking capability allows for important concerns and changes to be documented in real-time. Reporting provides administrators with statistical analysis and informs AIS/RTI resource allocation.

Our proprietary DataSync™ module links to any Student Management System (SMS) and displays all students who qualify for breakfast and/or lunch delivery on the days that they are receiving remote instruction at home. Students who request meals may quickly be added to any day’s schedule. Additionally, meal sections for each day may be chosen and provided using this form to notify your food preparation staff or out-sourced company in advance for seamless daily scheduling and delivery. A daily menu may be emailed to parents and an op-in/out sub/form may be used.

This form allows staff to upload an image of their vaccination card, screenshot of their Excelsior Pass, or a screenshot of their weekly COVID-19 test results. The Public Health and Health Planning Council passed an Emergency Regulation and the Health Commissioner issued a Determination Letter for COVID-19 Testing for Teachers and other School Employees—with Opt-Out for Vaccinated. This regulation requires all teachers, administrators, and other school employees to submit their weekly COVID-19 test results, unless they show proof of vaccination with either a CDC vaccine card or the Excelsior Pass. This is a condition of employment for most public school staff. Administrators are able to access and review a dashboard of who has been vaccinated and who has not and view the proof of vaccination that was uploaded – links of which are displayed on all reports.​

COVID-19 Virtual Instructional Support Kits

We have brought together some of our most popular software solutions to help your district in several areas of challenge:

  • Communication
  • Real-time Surveys
  • Custom/Secure E-Forms
  • Information and Data Collection
  • Easy Routing of all Meal Deliveries
  • Instruction Recording and Reporting
  • Custom, Web-Based Assessments

For over 28 years we have been proud to serve as an independent NYS-based education software and services company for over 500 districts. We stand ready, willing, and able to bring the power and efficiencies of our programs to your schools and community.

All programs are:

  • Low or No Cost
  • Proven and Customizable
  • Easily Linked to any SMS/SIS
  • Zero-Impact Implementation Set-up

Additional Benefits:

  1. District-wide communications with staff, students, parents, and community.
  2. Group and Individual Rights are maintained across applications.
  3. Remote record-keeping of instruction by student/course/section.
  4. Assessment platform contains:
  • 17,000 pre-made assessments
  • The ability to create your own tests
  • 46,000 items coded to Next Generation Standards
  1. Routing of all meal deliveries through free and reduced lunch status or other criteria.
  2. Unlimited online surveys with immediate, on-demand report access. All surveys are token-capable and can combine data from any district system.

    Schedule a demo with our product specialists today.