Wisdom Thinkers Network

Educational Vistas, Inc. is a proud partner of Wisdom Thinkers Network – an organization promoting research based, culturally responsive Social Emotional Learning, Character Education, and Community Engagement.

EVI CEO, Scott B. Crowder and Dr. Bruce H. Crowder, have both worked with Wisdom Thinkers founder, Ralph Singh, and feel the stories, integrated into Next Gen Standards and SEL provide a unique approach to simply creating a school climate that honors diversity, nurtures character, and deters bullying.
NYSED Regents now requires every district adopt a culturally responsive framework that prepares students for a lifetime of civic engagement and specifically calls for districts to avoid the “danger of a single story.”
Please take a moment to learn how Wisdom Thinkers can help you welcome students back to a more inclusive school climate with Research-Based Culturally responsive SEL resources and curriculum with culturally diverse stories that connect students, teachers and schools to community.
Please take a moment to learn how Wisdom Thinkers can help you welcome students back to a more inclusive school climate with Research-Based Culturally responsive SEL resources and curriculum with culturally diverse stories that connect students, teachers and schools to community.