The #1 Program for VADIR, DASA & Discipline Reporting in NYS School Districts
The #1 Program for VADIR, DASA & Discipline Reporting
Character ED
PBIS Component
DASA Complaint
VADIR & Discipline
School Climate
Fully customizable reports allow data to be reviewed for trend analysis, gaps, and growth.
U.S. Department of Education School Climate Surveys (multiple language forms) touts data report and graph displays for administrators to share and analyze.
EVI’s unique zone integration feature allows SafeSchoolsNY to sync with any existing software for comprehensive data access.
District Policies can be easily loaded and electronically utilized.
Interactive settings allow key staff (controlled by administration) to be alerted if vulnerable students are victimized. It also identifies problematic supervision areas, and students who have multiple incidents.
What is SafeSchoolsNY?
SafeSchoolsNY™ is the most comprehensive, complete, and powerful management system for VADIR, DASA, and discipline reporting. For 10+ years, this system has allowed schools to easily and accurately record and track required VADIR information. DASA requirements were added to the system when the law went into effect. Over time, a customizable discipline module was added to facilitate all code-of-conduct events being managed within a single program which links to any Student Information System (SIS).
Why is SafeSchoolsNY Better?
This is the only product designed to manage all aspects of discipline, VADIR, DASA, PBIS, school climate improvement, and school safety. Because it links to any Student Information System (SIS), SafeSchoolsNY is always up-to-date with current student demographic and program data. Our DataSync Wizard may also link to other programs to capture additional program information on students.
One-button production of the required NYS VADIR and DASA reports is but one of the powerful benefits of this product. Detailed school and district-level reports provide in-process information that identifies vulnerable students, offenders, victims, and even witnesses. Because all data is available for 26 years, growth, gap, and trend analysis is possible over time. All data is easily exported for custom reports or for use in other systems as necessary.
The discipline module is the most customizable available to schools. Not only may any template be configured but each field may also be flagged as mandatory and/or automatically displayed within any of the unlimited parental communications documents. Victim and witness names may also be removed from detailed incident descriptions that are share with offenders/parents. School and district logos and letterheads are easily set up under the “Preferences” tab.
Recommended school climate and safety surveys are also available and included. Reports and graphs display results for administrators to share and analyze. Drop-down areas are available to upload all school and/or district documents, policies, and plans in regard to discipline, VADIR, DASA, PBIS, and safety. All code of conduct/discipline forms/cards are also available on-line within the program. Simply, no other product does all of the things that SafeSchoolsNY does. As an efficiency process, it also saves time and money. With the high importance of keeping your students safe and accurately reporting incidents that may or may not have occurred, it's beneficial for NYS school districts to utilize our SafeSchoolsNY system. With many features and an in-depth reporting system, we welcome educators throughout New York State to contact us for more information or to schedule a demonstration!
- #1 VADIR management system in New York State.
- #1 DASA management system in New York State.
- #1 anonymous tip reporting and notification option in New York State.
- One button production of your required VADIR and DASA reports.
- Unlimited number of offenders, victims, and witnesses per incident.
- District/school reports by category, offenders, victims, witnesses, and individuals.
- Easily links to any Student Information System (SIS).
- May also be linked to additional program data systems.
- Imports all student photos.
- Easy access to all SED forms, guidelines, training materials, and regulations for VADIR and DASA.
- One button calculation of your School Violence Index (SVI).
- Creates, houses, and maintains all of your parental letters and notifications.
- A comprehensive text editor and spell check option is built-in.
- Houses all district/school discipline, safety, and security forms and materials.
- A complete, fully customizable discipline module is included at no extra charge.
- A robust audit process is also included to promote code-of-conduct compliance.
- Links directly to DataMate, StaffTrac, Curriculum Developer (CD), EduForm, SurVate, and EduTube.
- Web-based with SSL security and HIPAA compliance.
- MS Windows and Apple OS compatible.
- All information is housed for 26 years.
- Lowest total cost of ownership (TCO) and fastest return on investment (ROI) available.
- Configured and up-and-running in five (5) days or less…guaranteed!
Call for a free, no-obligation demonstration today! We may provide a WebEx meeting format or come to your district or school to present in-person. The demo takes between 60 and 90 minutes with plenty of time for Q and A. Also a price quote and implementation process guide may be requested.
Once you and your staff see the power and efficiency of the product you may require a proposal. If a purchase order is then generated, configuration and setup will begin. Our technology specialist(s) will contact your SIS administrator and confirm a date and time to remotely install our DataSync Wizard. This program links either directly to your data tables or to nightly exported tables/files from the SIS. We run data/validation tests and go over exports with your representative to ensure accuracy. Once this link is established, our product is populated with the critical student demographic and program data and a district administrator account is created. If usernames are provided for other staff members, we will then setup initial accounts for them as well. Default passwords are changed when each user first logs into the system. The last pre-configuration is the setup of the discipline module. The district/school provides us with an example of either your current template or any revised or custom template required. Values for drop-down lists and parental communication text and requirements are also provided at this time.
The program is “live” and available for use. Training dates and time may now be set. The training takes about 2 to 2 ½ hours per session. Users bring actual referral forms and/or VADIR/DASA incidents to input into the system. Because this product was designed by-educators for-educators, users become comfortable quickly with both the process and navigation. The adoption of a management systems of this magnitude promotes an opportunity for administrators to evaluate current personnel, policies, and procedures and determine if adjustments are necessary to improve performance and consistency. Guidance counselors and school psychologists may also use the data and information to discover whether some students need additional support services and interventions to succeed. School climate may be improved with the adding a Character Ed. curriculum or Save-Schools initiative. Survey results and longitudinal data would provide proof-of-goodness. A byproduct of all these efforts is improved student performance and lower absenteeism and tardiness. Let Educational Vistas become your partner in these worth-while efforts today!
See Printable Information Sheets Below
EVERY SCHOOL IN AMERICA NEEDS THIS SOFTWARE! This is as efficient as it gets! Everything is in one nice and easy-to-access portal that makes tracking everything so simple and easy!
Rick Cappiello
Technical Assistant, Nassau CC, SUNY