Integrated School Management Software Solutions

Harness the Power of these School District Management Solutions

Harness the Power of these School District Management Tools

Online Assessment Tools, Teacher Evaluation Software & More

Here at Educational Vistas, Inc. we take pride in providing top-of-the-line customized student assessments, SEL program assistance, CBT assessments and so much to school districts throughout NYS. Let your data do the work with our suite of powerful school district management tools. Save time, money, and improve outcomes. With any questions or to request a product demo, do not hesitate to contact us today!

DataMate – Student Assessment & Management Platform

A web-based assessment management system, DataMate™ provides educators with a comprehensive program for analyzing assessment data to improve instructional alignment and student achievement. It provides teachers and administrators with information on test questions, standards, individual student, cohort, and class level analysis. DataMate ensures that assessments, student enrollment, and course/section data are current by linking to any Student Management System (SMS) with our DataSync™ tool. A suite of assessments is included and ready to use, or you can build your own assessments on a Nextera-like platform using our 65,000+ item bank.

  • Degrees of Reading Power® (DRP) & Degrees of Math Power (DMP)
  • Readiness Assessments, Practice, Pre & Post, Interim, Benchmark, and Mid-Term tests
Academic Intervention Management System

The Academic Intervention Management System (AIMS™) is a proven powerful web-based program for the identification, intervention enrollment, quarterly reporting, tracking, and reporting of students who require AIS and/or RtI services. All parental communication documents are also created in any language for notification, progress, and ending of services. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) may be managed by domain, standard, and intensity for any and all students. Imbedded forms capabilities adds even more integration and efficiency to any process.

Curriculum Developer: District-Wide Instructional Content

The Results-Based Education Model (R-BEM) Curriculum Developer™ is a powerful system for developing a district curriculum. Curriculum Developer (CD) serves as a reference site and management tool for teachers, parents, and administrators regarding what will be taught and assessed and in what time frame. CD is web-based and purposely aligned with NYS Next-Gen and Common Core State Standards (CCSS). It is based on the notion that curriculum is a seamless web: teaching/learning/assessment.

EduForm – The Most Secure & Flexible Forms Platform.
The most sophisticated product for the development and use of on-line (and paper) forms linked to any Student Management System (SMS) or business database. Customizable approval path settings allow administrators and managers to duplicate any paper process within the flow of forms throughout the system. Standardized user account roles and access permissions link to all other EVI products for single sign-in movement between solutions. Powerful reports and data query capabilities provide for on-demand access to information and analysis. A Data Dashboard displays unique views though charts, graphs, and drill-down options.

EduView: Custom Dashboard & Data Warehouse Reporting System.
Districts face huge challenges with duplicated data entry, data scattered among multiple locations, lack of customized reports and the inability to generate those reports based on data from multiple systems. K-12 EduView™ is the next generation of efficiency and reporting to solve all these problems. It is a fully customizable district data warehouse, data dashboard and reporting system. Custom and unique views allow all stakeholders to analyze on-demand and live information at a glance. User rights and permissions control who sees what and enhances the security of all data elements. Education-Intelligence (EI) drives all aspects of the system.

DataSync: Powerful Connectivity for Using Data.
Our DataSync™ tool is an exceptional utility that makes sharing data easy! It links to any Student Management System (SMS), database, or database extract file (read only). Data may also be pushed into other systems with ease. Multiple data pulls may be concatenated to create more powerful information for data-driven decision making.

StaffTrac: Observation, Evaluation, PD & Reporting
Portfolio (+) Student Document Management. Easy & Secure Sharing for Student Reports and Documents.
A secure communication solution that allows districts to store, view, and share important confidential parent reports and student documents all in place. Designed with powerful convenience in mind, this “Single Sign-On” software seamlessly integrates with most SMS’s to provide parents, guardians, and administrators easy access to important student information, while saving time, money and human resources for schools of all sizes.

Report (+) – Student Report Management software. Easily Create and Manage Any Document, Form, or Report.

A revolutionary Student Report Management Tool that can automatically create and manage any document, form, or report. It’s a complete multi-language solution from concept to production to delivery, offering an electronic alternative in many areas that once required printing on physical paper. Any created report can automatically post to EVI’s Portfolio (+) student document management tool to allow guardians hands-on access to view or save any relevant documentation.

SafeSchools – The #1 Program for VADIR, DASA & Discipline Reporting.

The most comprehensive, complete, and powerful management system for VADIR, DASA, and discipline reporting. Period. For 20+ years, this system has allowed schools to easily and accurately record and track required VADIR information. DASA requirements were added to the system when the law went into effect. Over time, a customizable discipline module was added to facilitate all code-of-conduct events being managed within a single program which links to any Student Management System (SMS).

SELS – Social Emotional Learning System

The Social Emotional Learning System™ is a powerful web-based SEL program developed for School Districts to manage all aspects of their process and involve all students and stakeholders. Our goal is to provide a secure platform that links to any School Management System (SMS) and bridges the gap between the academic and social & emotional needs of all students. The flow, process, and layout of the product are based on our extensive experience in the successful development and implementation of web-based management tools and proven “best of practice” information, data, and processes. Imbedded forms capabilities adds even more integration and efficiency to any process.

SurVate – Complete & Confidential School Climate Evaluation System.

A powerful web-based survey program developed for School Districts for confidential Surveying of School climate and culture, safety or APPR. Our objective is to provide a secure platform for school districts to evaluate positive school climate. The use of this survey will establish baseline data to assess the school/district environmental climate. The surveys can be used as the first step in meeting the new DASA requirements. APPR surveys can be used for any APPR related needs. Examples would be Parent Survey of Principal Performance, or Student Survey of Teacher Performance as part of the districts APPR plan. All National USDE School Climate Surveys for Instructional, Non-Instructional, Students, and Parents are included along with all existing reports! Parental reports may be translated into any of over 100 languages.

At Educational Vistas Inc, integration is a critical consideration in every product we create and every service we provide. The ability to gather data from multiple systems/products and then combine that data for use in a powerful school management system is one of the most vital services we provide. By designing and creating these management programs to help districts and schools realize the “promise” of technology, we became a key efficiency partner with educators in both local and state districts.

GIGO (garbage-in, garbage-out) is another major issue to consider when consolidating district/school data for informational and reporting requirements. Our DataSync™ Wizard “scrubs” the data elements from each donor database for both integrity and consistency. This validated, authenticated data is then ready to populate these essential management packages. Now the “promise” of technology is ready to be realized! District and school required reports are now available at the touch of a single button, and valuable information is used for true data-driven decision making.

An incredible by-product of this direct project work within districts is the creation of the Zone Integration Server (ZIS) process to establish a data warehouse. This local data warehouse empowers districts and schools to meet all reporting requirements (both State & local) and eliminate data duplication, redundancy, and errors. Educational Vistas, Inc. products and services provide enough efficiency/savings to usually pay for themselves (minimum)!

EVI also provides programming services and per-project pricing for customization and enhancements to existing or new products. Whether you’re interested in teacher evaluation software, school curriculum development, or our academic intervention tools, our team would be happy to provide you with a product demonstration. Please take a look at our Product Feature Sheet and contact us for more information or to request a price quote on our suite of school district management products today.

The Best School Software Integration Solutions

Multi-Tiered System of Supports Platform

The Educational Vistas, Inc. MTSS-P framework functions as a proactive, preventative, and proscriptive system. By integrating data, instruction, and all aspects of social-emotional learning, outcomes for all students may be improved. This powerful, integrated system identifies and addresses student needs through a multi-tiered comprehensive process.

It is a platform for educators to use data-based decision making for program improvement, instruction and intervention, social, emotional learning, and behavioral support to ensure positive outcomes. Our proven MTSS-P solution is based on four major components: screening, progress monitory, multi-level prevention supported with data-based decision making.

Therefore, schools acquire power enabling them to screen students at any point in the school year to evaluate their level of risk and respond to that data to ensure each student receives an appropriate level of support. Most importantly, support provided with targeted interventions may be monitored to determine effectiveness.

How does the EVI Suite integrate with your Student Information System?

Multi-Tiered System of Supports Platform

Try Our Integrated School Management Software Solutions

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