This Fall Use a Growth-Assessment Model:
An Educational Vistas, Inc. Offering

The use of a growth-assessment model would be most appropriate for SY2022 to garner the level of learning loss and to move instruction on a productive path. While students need to return to school to an environment that is warm and supportive, there will be a point early in the new year when the focus moves to an increased level of learning. Students understand this and will respond appropriately.

After having spent a year and a half from in-person learning and limited measure of learning, it is time to move the education enterprise back on track. To do so will require data and information. A rare opportunity exists this school year for school districts to use the unsecured 2021 NYS Assessments for ELA and math in grades 3-8. The ELA and math State testing in the spring of the last school year only included Session 1, objective portion, and that was somewhat reduced in the number of items. Session 2 was not required which is the performance portion, requiring students to demonstrate their knowledge in addressing specific standards. In the case of ELA, it would completely short tasks and an extended piece of writing.

Both of the NYS 2021 ELA and math tests may be used as pre-assessments for incoming students in grades 3 through 8. The assessments could be given in mid-October and would serve as a diagnostic baseline, as well as the first point of measure for a pre-/post growth to determine learning growth. To computerize the process, EVI would pre-drill student answer sheets and prepare the tests to be administered on paper (PBT) or computer-based (CBT). Scoring of Session 2 could be done in-district or by EVI certified scorers. Assessment data would be housed in EVI’s DataMate Assessment Scoring and Reporting Software System from which a myriad number of reports would be available for staff.

State spring testing in 2022 would complete process, functioning as the second point of measure. With access to this data, EVI would provide reports on the testing results, but also show the growth from the fall to the spring with comparative reports. Growth reports would be generated in DataMate based on the comparative data (pre- to post-test) to highlight specific areas of challenge and growth.

This approach answers important questions: What impact has the pandemic had on student learning? What student growth has been made during the new school year? How do we best deliver continued instruction?

Dr. Bruce H. Crowder is a senior researcher for Educational Vistas, Inc. His work is primarily focused on creating pathways for deeper learning for all students through student performance and a dynamic curriculum replete with strategic teaching. Dr. Crowder may be reached at