Powerful Connectivity for Using Data
Powerful Connectivity for Using Data
Data Scrubber
Local to Web
Direct or Indirect
Powerful Sync Tool to Make Sharing Data Easy for NYS School Districts
What is DataSync?
Our DataSync™ tool is an exceptional utility that makes sharing data easy! It links to any Student Information System (SIS), Database, or database extract file (read only).
Why is DataSync Better?
Our sync tool can bring in disaggregated data codes from other systems to EVI products for displaying reports, by Gender, Ethnicity, Disability codes, ELL, 504, Free & Reduced lunch. Etc. The data we pull is based on what your district wants to disaggregate by!
Let us help you make managing data uploads easy!
- Can merge from multiple files or databases at the same time.
- Allows us to re-roster student data to the current teacher of record.
- Runs on a scheduled task.
- Allows for data integrity checks before to help you keep your records up to date.
- Best of all, we do the programming, and setup so it's a zero-impact product for your district.
- Our one Sync tool implementation can update ALL of Educational Vistas Products.
At Educational Vistas Inc, our syncing tool is easy to implement and get up and running for your specific SIS.
Contact us with what Student Information System you use, where your Student information system is located, what other data you may want to include, and let us help you from there. With a vast selection of integrated products and academic intervention tools, our team is standing by to help streamline your NYS school district and allow for teachers to improve and your students to succeed.